Visitors to Hawke’s Bay Airport will soon enter and exit the expanded terminal through a stunning new forecourt, with work commencing on Monday (30th November) and continuing through to when the new terminal is officially opened, in April next year.
Designed by local artist, Jacob Scott, from Mauvan Scott Architects, the forecourt is designed to be an introduction to our region – reflecting the past, present and future of Hawke’s Bay’s people and landscapes. Elements include three pou carved by a local carver, native planting and streetscape design, that incorporates espaliered grape vines and orchard trees to reflect our rich primary industries.
A timber waharoa (gateway) projects in the shape of a beak from the mouth of the forecourt – welcoming passengers to our region. The waharoa and the roof-wings of the building reference the Kuaka or Bar-tailed godwit that fly from Alaska each year to feed in the nearby Ahuriri estuary.
While construction is being carried out, the no-stopping road, which allows drivers to circle the carpark, will be closed in front of the forecourt, with all vehicles being diverted through the barrier arms into the carpark.
As has happened since construction on the terminal began, passengers can be dropped off and picked up at a marked “Pick Up/Drop Off Zone” within the carpark.
Taxi’s will also continue to use the “Taxi Zone” in the carpark and all rental cars will move to a common location within the carpark.
Drivers dropping off or picking up a passenger will need to take a ticket at the barrier arm but, provided they are only waiting for 15 minutes or less, waiting in the carpark is free of charge.
Drivers who need to wait longer can either pay (waiting 15-30 minutes is just $3) or park in the “Wait Zone” left of Watchman Road, just before the carpark roundabout (see carpark diagram below).
To assist drivers with the new layout, there will be signage and, during the first few weeks of construction, people will be at the barrier arms to help direct drivers.
Hawke’s Bay Airport Chief Executive, Stuart Ainslie says he is very grateful for the patience passengers have shown with all the changes during construction.
“We’ve had to move spaces around as construction progresses across the site and our passengers have had to navigate that as it happens. We’re trying to make it as easy as possible but I’m confident the new terminal will be worth the wait for our regular visitors,” Mr Ainslie says.
“In this instance, drivers just need to follow the road. Passengers will still need to get in and out of vehicles in the same spot, it’s just that the through-road that circles the carpark will now be diverted through the carpark.”
In a huge step forward for Hawke’s Bay Airport, drivers using the carpark now have the option of tap’n’go technology. It allows anyone with PayWave functionality to tap on the ticket machine on entry and then again on exit to be charged without having to go to the ticket kiosk. If they are in the carpark for less than 15 minutes the visit is still free.